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Aliens: Colonial Marines Collector's Edition PS3 DLC


all contents only for Multiplayer

Four Playable Movie Characters: Players will be able to fight for their squad’s survival and confront hordes of enemies as the original ALIENS film icons Private Hudson, Corporal Hicks, Private Drake and Sergeant Apone.

- Additional Marines Character Customization Options

- Ripley’s Flamethrower

- Exclusive Multiplayer Weapons: Including Sonic Electronic Ball Breakers & Phase Plasma Rifle

- Exclusive Game Level: USCM Academy Firing Range

pass: ps3repack

install guide: BLES / BLUS
BLES01455 User
- install DLC.pkg
- activated rap
- play

BLUS30862 User
- install DLC.pkg
- activated rap
- go to multiMAN / Datamanager
- use to dev_hdd0/game/BLES01455/USRDIR/DLC
- copie DLC Folder to dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30862/USRDIR/here
- play...enjoy

test and works by myself with BLES01455 Disc and BLUS30862 from Duplex

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